Warm Springs is a biographical drama movie that tells the story of Franklin D. Roosevelt's battle with polio and his journey towards recovery. The movie explores his time at Warm Springs, Georgia, where he sought treatment and found hope for the future. With the support of his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the dedication of his physical therapist, Roosevelt learns to overcome his physical limitations and finds the strength to become a great leader.
Donald Trump did not win the 2020 presidential election. But if you watched his speech on election night, you wouldn’t come away with that understanding. ‘Frankly,’ he said ‘We did win this election.’ In the months that followed, the story backing up that claim warped and changed, but at its core was a big lie about a supercomputer called ‘The Hammer’, an imaginary software called ‘Scorecard’, and a man with a long history of scamming the US government. And now Donald Trump is on the ballot again. Over five episodes, If You’re Listening looks at the transition period after the 2020 election, and what it tells us about the plan in 2024. Matt Bevan takes a look.
Join us as we follow Barack Obama on his historic journey to the Democratic nomination and the American Presidency. We will take you to his first triumph in the Iowa Caucuses through pivotal primary campaign moments to his game-changing nomination as the Democratic Party s candidate for President of the United States. Then relive the dramatic to and fro of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates as the national opinion polls mimicked the action. And finally, join the crowd at Grant Park in Chicago to watch Barack Obama announce his breathtaking election victory to become Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful nation in the world.
Actor Robert Vaughn takes on writer Dore Schary's acclaimed one-man play, "Sunrise at Campobello," bringing to life one of America's most beloved and influential presidents: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Focusing primarily on the political figure's battle with polio, this made-for-TV movie reveals the humanity and grace of the man who led the country through some of its toughest times, including the Great Depression and World War II.
Ten years after the Watergate scandal, this television special condensed two years of American history into a two-hour retrospective report.
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