Earth is invaded by Martians with unbeatable weapons and a cruel sense of humor. The President of the United States, James Dale (Jack Nicholson), is alerted when a number of spacecraft have been reported launched from the planet Mars, and are on a course to Earth...
The Windsors is a satirical TV show that follows the lives of the dysfunctional British royal family. Filled with absurdism and surreal moments, it explores the conflicts and relationships within the privileged family. The show combines elements of sitcom comedy and political satire to provide a humorous and entertaining look at the House of Windsor.
Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow is a historical drama film set during World War II. It follows the story of Soviet soldiers as they fight against Adolf Hitler's forces, highlighting key events and battles during the Great Patriotic War.
A chronicle of John F. Kennedy's life, including his youth, ascension into politics, presidency, and his lasting impact on history.
In this the fourth episode, “Battle of Berlin,” the Soviets start their assault on Berlin and Stalin negotiates with the other Allies.
An immersive look inside Nixon’s inner circle and the schemes that took place behind closed doors by the Committee to Re-Elect the President that would eventually unravel his presidency.
Brenda Starr, a female reporter in New York City, gets involved in an adventure to rescue the president from a mysterious Russian spy. With the help of a police officer, she must navigate the dangers and uncover the truth behind the plot.
Follows the president's wife along with her key staff who are on a flight back to Washington, D.C., when they receive news that a Zombie apocalypse caused by a new vaccine is rapidly spreading throughout the country.
JFK: The Lost Bullet is a documentary by National Geographic that tries to answer the question: "Who killed John F Kennedy?" It re-evaluates the famous Zapruder film that shows the murder of JFK and states that Zapruder stopped filming and missed the first shot fired which changes the timeline of the bullets fired making it possible that Lee Harvey Oswald could have fired three shots. It argues that the magic bullet that hit JFK and Governor John Connally was in fact possible. The documentary also features other home movies taken on the day.
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