The Mechanism is a gripping TV show that delves into the depths of corruption and political scandals in Brazil. Inspired by a true story, the series follows a group of federal police officers as they uncover a vast money laundering scheme involving powerful politicians and corrupt businessmen. Set in various cities across Brazil, including Curitiba, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Brasília, the show explores the intricacies of money laundering, plea bargains, subterfuge, and political manipulation. As the investigation unfolds, the officers uncover a cabal of individuals who are willing to go to great lengths to protect their illicit activities. With themes of government corruption, propaganda, and the destruction of evidence, The Mechanism keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its suspenseful plot.
For decades, doctor Juscelino Kubitschek enters politics and becomes president of Brazil.
When a journalist and a politician become trapped in a remote Andean hotel during a political summit, they discover a web of corruption and blackmail that threatens their lives and the future of their countries.
Lula, the Son of Brazil is a biographical drama that tells the story of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a young boy from poverty who becomes a prominent Brazilian politician. The movie explores Lula's journey in politics, his activism, and his rise to becoming the president of Brazil. It is based on a true story and is inspired by the book of the same name.
The Edge of Democracy is a powerful documentary that explores the turbulent political history of Brazil, focusing on the rise and fall of democracy. It delves into the political polarization, corruption, and abuse of power that have plagued the country, with a particular focus on the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff and the subsequent election of Jair Bolsonaro. Through a combination of personal stories, interviews, and archival footage, the documentary unravels the unraveling of democracy in Brazil.
Getulio is a riveting movie that delves into the intense final moments of Brazilian President Getulio Vargas. Set against the backdrop of political turmoil and power struggles, the film explores the psychological and emotional journey of Vargas as he faces pressure from all sides. With captivating performances and a thought-provoking narrative, Getulio provides a deep insight into the complexities of Brazilian politics and the human psyche.
A documentary directed by Oliver Stone that explores the political and social climate in South America, focusing on the rise of left-wing governments and their challenges in the face of neoliberal globalization. The film takes a critical look at the influence of the International Monetary Fund, media bias, and manipulation on the region's politics, with a particular focus on Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Cuba.
A documentary exploring the political trajectory of Brazil's president Juscelino Kubitschek during the years 1981 to 1986.
During 2016, a film crew embeds inside the Brazilian Congress while lawmakers plot to overthrow the country's elected president, Dilma Rousseff.
The film narrates, from an intimate point of view, the daily life of President Dilma Rousseff in her official residence, the Palácio do Alvorada, while awaiting the verdict of the impeachment process. Portraying the hallways of the palace, designed by Oscar Niemeyer, we see the coming and going of political meetings, the daily routine of the kitchen, the exchange of guards, whispers and phone calls. We feel the growing tension of officials, advisers and former ministers.
The Trial is a documentary that explores the political turmoil in Brazil and follows the impeachment trial of Dilma Rousseff, the country's former president. It delves into the intricacies of Brazilian politics and provides insight into the social and historical context of the trial. Through interviews and archival footage, the film examines the impact of the trial on Brazilian democracy and its implications for Latin American politics.
A series of documentaries about Brazilian presidential elections.
The remarkable rise of one of the world’s most controversial leaders, Jair Bolsonaro, from obscurity to the presidency of Brazil.
Dossiê Jango is a documentary that delves into the life and political career of João Goulart, popularly known as Jango. It provides an in-depth analysis of the challenges and controversies faced by the former President of Brazil, focusing on his tenure during the tumultuous period of Brazilian politics. The film covers Jango's rise to power, his progressive policies, and the military coup that ousted him from office. Through interviews, archival footage, and historical analysis, Dossiê Jango sheds light on the events and influences that shaped the political landscape of Brazil.
Intermissions is a documentary film that dives into the political landscape of Brazil during a specific presidential term. It provides an in-depth examination of the events, challenges, and impact on the country's capital, Brasília.
The remarkable rise of one of the world’s most controversial leaders, Jair Bolsonaro, from obscurity to the presidency of Brazil.
Jango tells the compelling story of João Goulart, the democratically-elected president of Brazil who was deposed in a military coup. The film explores the political landscape of Brazil during this tumultuous time and the threats to democracy that he faced.
Torre das Donzelas is a documentary about the women who were imprisoned in the Torre das Donzelas during the Brazilian military dictatorship, where they were subjected to mistreatment and torture. The film follows the stories of these women and the impact that their imprisonment has had on their lives. It also explores the political climate of Brazil during that time and the struggles faced by the women in their fight for democracy.
Built as a letter to JK in his centenary, the film shows what remained in the memory of Brazilians 26 years after his passing in a car accident in August 1976.