Spontaneous is a dark comedy movie set in a high school where students spontaneously combust for no apparent reason. The story follows the main protagonist, Mara Carlyle, as she navigates through the chaos and uncertainty that comes with living in a world where anyone can go up in flames at any moment. As the combustions become more frequent, Mara starts to question her own mortality and the fragile nature of life. Filled with black humor and teenage romance, Spontaneous is a unique take on the coming-of-age genre.
Part drama and part supernatural thriller, TRUE NATURE tells the story of a family reunited when their college-age daughter is found after a year-long disappearance. With no memory of what happened to her, she soon discovers that her very presence threatens to expose the secrets and fragile lies by which her family has lived.
Two strangers - Brittany and Laurent - end up in the same cabin in the woods due to the landlord accidentally double booking his property. Both wanted to escape society in order to deal with their personal circumstances.
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