Brother Bear 2 is an animated adventure comedy that follows the journey of a grizzly bear named Kenai. After being transformed into a bear himself, Kenai must find a way to reverse the spell and regain his human form. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles and forms unlikely friendships. With the help of his new companions, Kenai embarks on a quest to restore harmony and return to his rightful existence.
A teenager named Tom discovers a prehistoric caveman named Eegah in the desert. Together, they navigate through various adventures as they try to find Tom's missing friend and Eegah's lost love.
Experience the stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich history of Algeria through breathtaking aerial footage.
After the disappearance of his wife and daughter, Tomás García, a skeptical police investigator suffering from depression will follow a lead that will take him to a nursing home on the outskirts of the city. He finds resistance in Atabey, a nurse of shamanic Haitian origins who seeks to protect an ancient Taino secret.
Documentary of a network of caves discovered in 1940 in France. Inside are hundreds of depictions of animals painted approximately 17,000 years ago. The site is no longer open to the public, but can be seen here.
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