A Happy Event is a French comedy-drama that follows the story of a couple as they navigate the challenges and joys of pregnancy. The film explores the various aspects of pregnancy, from the physical changes to the emotional rollercoaster, and the impact it has on the relationship between the husband and wife. Through humor and heartfelt moments, the movie depicts the realities of becoming parents and the journey of creating a happy family.
In Ogres (2015), a comedian contemplates suicide and grows old with his jealous wife. They bicker constantly and face awkward situations as they navigate through their relationship. The comedian plays the accordion and deals with the loss of their son. They encounter a goose and engage in reckless driving. They also visit a travelling theatre and encounter a nude pregnant woman in a big top. The film explores themes of pregnancy, family conflict, and the fragility of life.
Princess is a dark animated film that follows the story of a young girl named Princess who seeks revenge for her mother's murder. She navigates through a world filled with grief, guilt, and surrealism, as she confronts the dark forces responsible for her loss. The film tackles social issues such as child abuse and the pornography industry, making it a thought-provoking and intense experience.
Hanger is a psychological thriller that follows the story of a woman seeking revenge after a traumatic experience. She navigates through the dark world of prostitution and violence, facing unexpected twists and a disturbing truth. The movie explores themes of revenge, abortion, and the consequences of our choices.
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