Castle Keep is a satirical comedy that takes place during World War II. The film centers around a group of soldiers who are stationed at a castle and their interactions with the local aristocrats. As the war rages on, the soldiers struggle to protect the castle and preserve its art while dealing with their own personal issues and falling in love. The film combines elements of comedy, drama, and romance, providing a unique perspective on the war.
Anna Gastaldi, owner of an electromechanical industry, has a secret affair with her best friend Lisa's husband, Maurizio Mainardi; when she realizes she's pregnant, she tries to end the relationship, but Maurizio hinders her and, trying to stop her, dies in a car accident, though not before swearing that he will return. This promise seems to be fulfilled five years later when, during a wedding, she recognizes her lost lover in her friend Maddy's groom-to-be.
Noël Bienvenu, owner of a career, is a widower and lives with his parents. His son Bastien, whom he despises, was sentenced to six months in prison for theft. Noël goes to see a dying friend, Romieux, who asks him to take care of his daughter Marthe, who has settled in Paris (Batignolles district). Noël goes there and discovers that Marthe is destitute (her lover Gaston being an incarcerated mobster): he then offers her to come and live with him and soon, marries her.
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