Quo Vadis is a historical drama film based on the novel of the same name by Henryk Sienkiewicz. The story follows a Roman general, Marcus Vinicius, who falls in love with a Christian woman, Lygia, during the reign of Emperor Nero. As Rome is engulfed in flames, Vinicius must navigate the political manipulations and moral dilemmas of the time. The film explores themes of love, courage, and religious persecution.
Demetrius, a brave and loyal Roman soldier, faces challenges in ancient Rome while dealing with political drama, steamy romance, and religious persecution.
Nero's Mistress is a comedy film set in ancient Rome during the reign of Emperor Nero. The story follows the misadventures of a woman who becomes involved with Nero and finds herself caught up in the chaos and hilarity of the Roman Empire.
Messalina was the Roman noblewoman who inveigled ageing emperor Claudio into marriage. Once ensconced on the throne, Messalina launched a reign of terror that shook the empire to its very foundations. The subject of countless film treatments, Rome's most villified empress is herein played by British actress Belinda Lee.
The tyrant Emperor Heliogabalus lives a life of debauchery and set lions loose among his guests.
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