Power Rangers is a TV show about a group of teenagers who discover that they have unique abilities and are chosen to become warriors known as Power Rangers. They are tasked with defending the world from various threats and villains using their superpowers and advanced technology. Together, they must learn to work as a team and harness their powers to save the day.
Power Rangers follows a group of ordinary teenagers who find themselves chosen by an ancient being to become the Power Rangers. With their newfound superpowers, they must learn to work together and protect the world from various threats.
When Earth is on the verge of an alien invasion, five teenagers, who are infused with superhuman abilities, must harness their newfound powers to battle this threat - as the Power Rangers. In Cenozoic-era, six interplanetary warriors, the Power Rangers, are tasked with protecting life on Earth and the Zeo Crystal...
In 1993, five ordinary teenagers were chosen to protect Earth from the evil witch Rita Repulsa. Now, 30 years later, new Power Rangers must take up the mantle to save the world. When a global crisis arises, they are called upon to defeat a familiar enemy and protect the planet once again.
When an evil alien threatens the world, the Power Rangers must team up to stop him. Along the way, they face challenges, make new friends, and discover the true power of friendship.
The Power Rangers from Earth 2-18 encounter The Arbiter who has deemed them Unworthy of their powers. Proving to be a formidable foe, these Rangers must ban together with help of the multiverse to stop him.
In Power Rangers Zeo: Zeo Quest, a group of Power Rangers must go on a dangerous mission to find the legendary Zeo Crystal, which holds immense power. They must overcome various challenges and face powerful enemies in order to retrieve the crystal and protect it from falling into the wrong hands.
Power/Rangers is a fan-made short film that combines elements of action, sci-fi, and thriller genres. Set in a dark future, the film follows a group of ex-Power Rangers who must reunite to protect the world from a powerful enemy. With surprise twists and a nonlinear timeline, Power/Rangers explores themes of murder, battle, and the consequences of power.
Five young adults are recruited by the Lightspeed Rescue organization to protect the city of Marnier Bay from the forces of evil.
When Lord Zedd returns more powerful than ever, Team Cosmic Fury takes to the cosmos to battle the emperor of evil, and save the universe as we know it.
A team of unlikely personalities join forces to help save the Earth from the scheming Mesogog, a dinosaur-like villain who wishes to destroy humankind.
Set several years after the Countdown to Destruction, the once revered hero, Andros of KO-35, faces impossible odds as he fights to restore the all powerful energy source known as the Grid.
After losing her team in battle, Elena the leader of the Power Rangers decides to travel through different alternate universes until she finds a team that she can call family and turn them into the chosen Power Rangers.
In prehistoric times, an alien entrusted 10 powerful Energemas to 10 dinosaurs, and these were lost with their extinction. Now an intergalactic bounty hunter seeks to reclaim the Energemas and destroy the Earth.
A trio of ninja trainees become Power Rangers to defend their school after it is attacked by aliens.
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