Dames is a musical comedy set in New York City. The story follows a group of showgirls who work on Broadway and get involved in various comedic and romantic situations. It features lively musical numbers, glamorous costumes, and catchy songs. The film explores themes of love, friendship, and the pursuit of success in the entertainment industry.
Comedy about newlyweds wondering if their marriage was a mistake.
In this comedy musical set in 1937, a group of gold diggers engage in humorous antics as they pursue love and money. The story revolves around hypochondriac characters, a siren nurse, a guilt-ridden music conductor, and a chorus line of chorus girls. The plot includes double-crossing, rehearsals, golf club scenes, typewriter mishaps, and stage musical performances.
Complications in a dressmaking firm when a model has to hide her marriage.
Musical about dingaling millionaire businessman Cedric Ames and his various employees
Promotional short produced by General Electric for release through Warner Bros. to advertise GE's home appliances.
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