Welcome Mr. Marshall! is a Spanish comedy film set in the 1950s. The story revolves around the fictional Spanish town, Villar del Río, which eagerly awaits the visit of American officials who are expected to provide financial aid through the Marshall Plan. The excitement and preparations in the town take unexpected turns as the locals try to impress the Americans and showcase their exaggerated ideas of American culture. The film hilariously portrays the clash of stereotypes, highlighting the absurdity of certain cultural expectations. Through comedic situations and lively characters, Welcome Mr. Marshall! provides a humorous critique of Spanish society and its aspirations during that time.
Underground is a 1976 documentary film about the Weathermen, founded as a militant faction of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), who fought to overthrow the U.S. government during the 1960s and 1970s. The film consists of interviews with members of the group after they went underground and footage of the anti-war and civil rights protests of the time. It was directed by Emile de Antonio, Haskell Wexler and Mary Lampson, later subpoenaed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in an attempt to confiscate the film footage in order to gain information that would help them arrest the Weathermen. (Wikipedia)
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