Luce follows the story of a high school student named Luce Edgar, who is the epitome of the perfect student- a star athlete and debater. However, when a teacher discovers something shocking about Luce's past, his perfect façade begins to crumble. As his adoptive parents grapple with the revelation, they are forced to question their belief in him and his place in society.
Permanent is a comedy movie set in a small town in the 1980s. It follows the story of a teenage girl and her family as they deal with awkwardness and self-consciousness. The movie explores themes of family relationships, beauty salons, and the challenges of growing up in a small town.
A wealthy banker wants to tear down a tenement slum to build a factory, but a charming girl who lives there begins to persuade him otherwise.
An ensemble of oddball characters provide percussion in a nondescript backyard while Lynch's lyrics flatly detail what's happening.
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