Originally intended to be a pilot for the third Walt Disney Television animated series, the movie features five pastel-colored talking (Fluppy) dogs who arrive through a Fluppy interdimensional doorway. Upon arrival, the dogs befriend 10-year-old Jamie and his neighbor Claire. The friends must help the Fluppy dogs avoid the clutches of the evil exotic-animal collector Wagstaff and find the doorway that will lead them back to their world.
Tom is a lonely young man. During a burglary with his best friend he becomes obsessed with the victim, Lars, a young history lecturer who lives in the apartment. Tom starts to observe Lars secretly and pursue him without revealing his existence or feelings for him. At the same time, Tom is developing a second obsession to a motorcyclist that he occasionally sees. More and more Tom gets lost in a labyrinth of passions. As Lars discovers him, the persecutor becomes the persecuted leading to a shocking confrontation.
Follow the journey of a man who tries to lose weight in 4 easy steps, encountering love, breakup, and hilarious gym moments along the way.
The night side of a modernist icon. The fauna and flora of Roberto Burle Marx's gardens inhabited by visitors to Parque do Flamengo while the city of Rio de Janeiro falls asleep.
A young lady is about to hang her new antique mirror to the wall when someone mysteriously leaves a box on her doorstep. As she gets ready to open it, knocks start to spread around in her apartment. Who is it? Or should we say what is it?
Two boys and close family friends, Jeremy and Alphonse, American and French, spend a few weeks together in Jeremy’s house in Brooklyn. Jeremy is confused about his understanding of the friendship, while obsessed with the ducks in the Prospect Park’s lake and finishing a school paper about their migration. Alphonse likes to ride bicycles and doesn’t want to leave town. The ducks inevitably leave, Alphonse goes back to Paris, and Jeremy stays in his house, but all of them depart to something new.
It’s like almost all is lost. Yet still they are here – abandoned bungalows, an artificial lake, dirty plastic bottles, lost donkeys and stray dogs, draining pipes running over fields of salt, deserted factories, statues of revolutionaries, concrete playgrounds covered with weeds, rotten fruit, folded T-shirts, pop songs, decades of forgetting, a single room with a blue tent inside. And it felt like a kiss.
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