The Julekalender follows the adventures of three friends who stumble upon a magical advent calendar that leads them into a world of comedy, mystery, and Christmas cheer. As they open each door, they encounter catchphrases, running gags, and unforgettable characters. From a talking cave to a suit-wearing potato farmer, their journey is filled with laughter and surprises. With a mix of romance, music, and a hint of magic, this cult-favorite TV show captures the essence of the holiday season.
The Julekalender is a comedy TV show that follows the adventures of three friends who create an invented language, encounter an advent calendar, and engage in various parody comedies. Along the way, they deal with shotgun-wielding rednecks, a potato farmer, love at first sight, excessive drinking, hangovers, a dog, a Christmas hater, blood, an airplane, and a race against time.
A mystery hidden for generations. Now the truth will finally be revealed.
Potato Fritz (Hardy Kruger) and his friends have moved from Germany to the American Wild West, settling eventually in the Rockies. They are besieged by what appear to them to be hostile Native Americans. Before too long, it becomes clear that the hostiles are in fact a gang of gold thieves. This movie is notable among German-made Westerns for its use of authentic period costumes and firearms.
Set against the backdrop of the early eighties, Cliffy retraces his extraordinary journey from famously training in gumboots among cow paddocks through the epic six-day period of the ultra marathon and his emergence as Australia's most unlikely sporting hero. Based on a true story.
A snowstorm in Northern Canada strands a woman from the Department of Culture, near a trappers cabin. The two gradually become acquainted within the confines of the cabin. The denouement is poignant.
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