In 'Wish Upon', a teenage girl named Clare discovers a mysterious music box that grants her every wish. Excited by her newfound power, she begins to make wishes, unaware of the deadly consequences that come with each one. As Clare's wishes become more and more dangerous, she must find a way to break the curse before it consumes her completely.
Walter Paisley, a dimwitted busboy at a Bohemian café, becomes a sensation in the art world when he accidentally kills his landlady's cat and covers it with clay, creating a lifelike sculpture. Encouraged by his newfound success, Walter continues his murderous spree to create more sculptures, ultimately attracting the attention of the police. As the pressure mounts, Walter's art becomes increasingly gruesome, leading to a chilling climax.
The story of two women and how they trick a husband into renovating a kitchen.
Charley, frustrated by his office job, quarrels with his wife, after which they decide to switch jobs. She goes to the office and Charley does the housework. Having never done something like this in his life before, he starts a chaos, something his mother-in-law was expecting...
A young writer saves a desperate young woman from committing suicide. They eventually fall in love and marry, but their marriage faces some serious roadblocks.
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