In the 1990s, a gangster rises to power in a Ukrainian village, leading a criminal organization and seeking atonement for his past. As violence and brutality escalate, he navigates the gritty world of gangsterism, facing conflicts with rival gangs, drug use, and his complex relationships, including his mother-son bond and his troubled marriage.
Ukrainian journalist Katya Soldak, currently living in New York City and working for Forbes magazine, chronicles Ukraine's history: its strong ties to Russia for centuries; how it broke away from the USSR and began to walk alone; the Orange Revolution, the Maidan Revolution, the Crimea annexation, the Donbass War; all through the eyes of her family and friends settled in Kharkiv, a large Ukrainian city located just eighteen miles from the Russian border.
Enter Through The Balcony is a documentary short film that explores the relationship between architecture and public space in post-Soviet Ukraine. Through interviews and footage, the film examines the cultural and social significance of balconies and their role in shaping the urban landscape. It also touches upon the impact of political and economic changes on the use and perception of public spaces.
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