In a post-apocalyptic future, Conan must use his wits and bravery to protect his friends from various threats. Along the way, he discovers the mysteries of ancient technology and fights against powerful enemies. With his trusty friends by his side, Conan embarks on a thrilling adventure filled with danger and resilience.
In a near-future post-apocalyptic Earth, a young boy embarks on a perilous journey to find a cure for his dying mother. Along the way, he encounters a world filled with robots, androids, martial arts, and a dystopian landscape. In this fight for survival, he must face hand-to-hand combat, motorbike chases, and a powerful commune that seeks to control him. Will he succeed in saving his mother and finding hope in this desolate world?
In a post-apocalyptic future, humans must journey to the center of the earth to find a new energy source. Along the way, they encounter dinosaurs, aliens, and a plot to destroy humanity.
Woops! is an American post-apocalyptic sitcom that aired on the Fox network from September 27 to December 6, 1992.
In a post-nuclear apocalyptic future, a group of survivors must navigate the treacherous wasteland known as Damnation Alley in search of a safe haven. Along the way, they encounter various challenges including mutant creatures, bandits, and the harsh conditions of the desert. Their struggles for survival intensify as they come face to face with the devastating consequences of a world ravaged by nuclear war.
In the year 2000, after a global nuclear war, the survivors in Australia await their inevitable deaths as radiation slowly spreads toward them. As they face their final days, friendships form and tensions rise. The story follows a group of people as they navigate through the horrors of living in a post-apocalyptic world.
In the dystopian future of 2070s Moscow, after a devastating nuclear war, a death game tournament is organized. The survivors must compete in a deadly dance-off inside a bunker, while the city lies in ruins. The tournament becomes a symbol of rebellion against the oppressive police state and offers a glimmer of hope for the people.
In a near-future California, a small-town family must confront the harsh realities of nuclear war and navigate the challenges of survival and emotional breakdowns. As they face the loss of loved ones and the struggles of rationing and isolation, they must find the strength to persevere.
In a dystopian future ruled by a totalitarian regime, a skilled martial arts hitman takes on the system to fight for freedom. With stylized violence and gun-fu combat, he navigates a world of mass surveillance, dark technology, and post-nuclear war. As he uncovers the truth, he becomes the perfect weapon against the dictatorship.
In a post-nuclear war world, a hero known as Stryker must traverse a scorched-earth landscape filled with bandits and danger. His mission is to rescue his captured brother and avenge the death of their family. Along the way, he faces various obstacles including car chases, fights, and a scarcity of water. Stryker's journey through this dystopian wasteland becomes a test of survival and resilience.
In post-apocalyptic New York, three tribes of survivors (the Norms, the Mutates and the Upriver People) vie for the right to exist. When the treacherous Upriver People attack the Norms, kill their chief and take their people captive, two Norm refugee men must find a way to ally with the Mutates, who have previously kidnapped Norm women in an effort to reproduce healthy children, to rout the Uprivers, who also seek to kill off the Mutates.
A group of apocalyptic fighters believe they're fighting for their freedom, until they realize they're in a comic book.
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