In 'The Black Cat,' a filmmaker becomes obsessed with a recurring black cat that appears in her movies. As she investigates further, she discovers that the cat may possess supernatural powers and is linked to an evil witch. Determined to save the world from impending doom, she must confront the supernatural villainess and stop the apocalypse.
Moustapha Akkad, the man who brought you HALLOWEEN, invites you to keep an APPOINTMENT WITH FEAR. According to legend, Attis, King of the Woods, sacrificed his child to keep his own spirit alive and free to wander the earth at will. APPOINTMENT WITH FEAR casts this evil in contemporary terms: can a group of free-spirited teenagers and an inquisitive detective save a dying woman's infant from being Attis' next victim? The suspense is unrelenting as they - and you - keep an APPOINTMENT WITH FEAR.
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