No Tomorrow is a comedy TV show that follows the story of a free-spirited woman named Evie who falls in love with a charming man named Xavier. However, she soon discovers that Xavier firmly believes the apocalypse is coming and has compiled a list of things to do before the world ends. Despite her initial skepticism, Evie decides to embrace Xavier's philosophy of living life to the fullest and together they embark on a series of adventures while navigating the challenges of falling in love.
This 20-episode series shares the remarkable, positive change several young heroes are making in their own communities across the country. These inspiring kids have dedicated their lives to selfless acts of bravery and kindness, and now, Marvel celebrates them as the true Super Heroes they are by welcoming them into Marvel's Hero Project.
After a devastating storm damages her house, a widow named Miranda meets Bray, a stranger who brings hope and positivity into her life. As they grow closer, Miranda learns to let go of her past and embrace new beginnings, while Bray encourages her to pursue her dreams of becoming an inventor. Together, they navigate life's challenges and discover the importance of love, hope, and the power of the mind.
Never on the First Night is a hilarious romantic comedy that explores the ups and downs of relationships. The story revolves around a group of characters who find themselves facing various challenges in their love lives. From dumped lovers to cheating spouses, this movie takes a humorous and sometimes raunchy approach to the complexities of modern relationships. With unexpected twists and turns, it keeps audiences entertained while highlighting the importance of trust, communication, and true love.
Kumaré is a thought-provoking documentary that follows a man who impersonates a wise Indian guru and builds a following in Arizona. As he gains popularity, he begins to question the consequences of his actions and the nature of his own identity.
After a canceled wedding, a struggling actor tries to cheer up his best friend by going on a hiking trip in the wilderness of Oregon, USA. Along the way, they encounter beautiful landscapes, historical figures, and discover the true meaning of friendship.
The Passion of Ayn Rand is a movie based on the true story of Ayn Rand, a famous female writer and philosopher. It explores her life, her relationships, and her philosophy of objectivism. The movie delves into the complexities of her career, including her affair with a younger man and her struggle with hypocrisy. It portrays her as a confident and assertive woman who challenged the conventions of her time.
A thought-provoking documentary that delves into the realms of quantum physics, spirituality, and the power of perception. It challenges conventional beliefs, exploring the mysteries of the universe through interviews and dramatic reenactments. The film offers a unique perspective on the nature of reality and the potential for personal transformation.
A documentary that delves into the world of personal development and explores the principles outlined in the classic book 'Think and Grow Rich'. The film features interviews with successful individuals who share their insights on how to achieve success and create a legacy.
When Pollyanna is orphaned, she's sent to live with her crotchety Aunt Polly. Pollyanna discovers that many of the people in her aunt's New England hometown are as ill-tempered as her aunt. But Pollyanna's incurable optimism - exemplified by her "glad game", in which she looks for the bright side of every situation - brings a change to the staid old community.
The Secret Garden is British television adaptation of the novel of the same name. Adapted, produced and directed by Dorothea Brooking, it was first broadcast on BBC 1 in seven, 30 minutes episodes in 1975.
Based on characters from the Catty Wompus books, "TAOCW" is a live-action children's educational program that aims to instill healthy relationships, environmental awareness and good citizenry through the power of music.
This video is dedicated to your mastery of the art of realizing all your desires. The greatest gift you have been given is the gift of your imagination. Everything that now exists was once imagined. And everything that will ever exist must first be imagined.
The daily life of five young women living in a Paris hosting center. All haunted by their heavy past (rape, violence, abandonment...), they try to move forward... except one.
We learned that thoughts become things, and what we believe at the deepest level is what we attract into our lives. Now nearly 14 years later, we are taking your understanding of the Law of Attraction to a whole new level. To help you become empowered like never before. We have met with some the most extraordinary teachers and gained insight to the Law of Attraction.
Choritrohin (Bengali: চরিত্রহীন;English: Characterless) is a 1975 Bangladeshi film directed by Baby Islam. It stars Meena Kumari and Prabir Mitra. It garnered Bangladesh National Film Awards in two categories: Best Music Direction and Best Cinematographer.
When you watch Choice Point, you'll finally get the answers that'll make all the difference - and what you're going to discover may well surprise you! Imagine how much faster your own journey to success would be if you could tap into the thinking and experiences of some of the world's leading visionaries, scientists and spiritual leaders, and receive life-directing guidance from billionaire Richard Branson, visionary Desmond Tutu, author Jack Canfield and more! And best of all, it's not just big names who are featured in this groundbreaking feature-length documentary. You'll also hear about regular people who massively changed their lives around following the three key Choice Point pillars of: 1. Understand your world 2. Align with your purpose 3. Be the change
The Abundance Factor Takes You On An Unprecedented Journey into The Minds of The Worlds Most Knowledgeable Experts on the Subject of Abundance and Prosperity.
Books, apps, coaching sessions: Today, happiness is everywhere. We might think that there is nothing wrong with this common-sense concern. But it’s actually the opposite of social reality. So what lies behind this contemporary obsession with happiness and the billions of euros generated by its industry? Philosophers, sociologists, economists and psychiatrists including Christophe André, Éva Illouz, Martin Seligman and Julia De Funès, confront their point of view and decipher one of the most captivating and worrying phenomena of this early century.
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