Love Actually is a heartwarming movie that tells the interconnected love stories of eight couples in London during the Christmas season. From an aging rockstar who finds love with his manager to a British Prime Minister who falls for a member of his staff, this film explores the complexities of love and relationships during the holiday season.
Join the beautiful ladies of Women Superstars Uncensored as they celebrate eight years of the very best in women's professional wrestling from inside the legendary 2300 Arena in South Philadelphia. Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match WSU World Title ie w/The Office Jenny Rose vs. Brittany Blake Juicy Product w/Rick Cataldo (c) vs. Chicks Using Nasty Tactics (Kimber Lee & Annie Social) Mickie Knuckles vs. Solo Darling Hania vs. Athena LuFisto (c) vs. Shanna 2015 WSU Hall of Fame Induction Tessa Blanchard vs. Sassy Stephan Pryme Tyme Amy Lee WSU Spirit Championship Niya Barela (c) vs. Nevaeh
SHIMMER Women Athletes Volume 9 was the ninth SHIMMER event to be recorded by SHIMMER Women Athletes, the event took place on April 4, 2007 at the Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois.
Witness thrilling professional wrestling matches that showcase the strength, skill, and passion of the participants. Experience the excitement as male and female athletes, of diverse backgrounds and styles, compete in high-stakes tag-team and intergender matches.
WSU Spirit Champion Niya comes to the ring and talks herself up for a bit. Nevaeh's music hits and she comes out and the pair exchange words. Nevaeh warns Niya that if she continues to run her mouth she'll have a serious problem on her hands. They stare each other down, and Niya exits with her title.
harlie Morgan got her belt back as a red-hot EVE continued to build for this year's She-1 Series with their latest show at the Resistance Gallery. We've done a horrible job of keeping up with EVE since WrestleQueendom, despite being at their live shows - so we'll recap the main happenings: a week after WrestleQueendom in May, Kasey Owens was revealed to be the mystery assailant of Charlie Morgan from shows prior - and in June she dropped her last name and took the EVE title hostage. Kasey was given the ultimatum of returning the title tonight or she'd face the consequences - as well as lose her shot to get into this year's She-1. Anyway, this show dropped barely 72 hours after it happened, and there's more than just the live edit as we've commentary dubbed in, along with plenty of graphics. This is looking really polished. Dann Read (eyepatch and all) and initially Nina Samuels are on commentary tonight.
After the "rejection" of WSU from Mutiny, here, finally, the continuation of the Queen and King Tour tournament, which, as the name implies, is a mixed team tournament. The wrestler of the victorious team will meet with the new champion, who will be crowned on the same show later. I guess it will be mentioned during the show, but a week ago Jessica Havok was removed from her name because she chose to record Knockouts Knockdown 2014 for TNA, which took place the same day, instead of defending her title against LuFisto during this show. The title is empty and we have a match between Athena and Lufisto. Angelus Lane n.10.05.2014
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