The Color of Money is a drama film from 1986 that revolves around a pool hustler named Fast Eddie Felson. After years of being out of the game, Eddie decides to make a comeback by taking a young protégé, Vincent Lauria, under his wing. Together, they travel from one pool hall to another, hustling for money and respect. Along the way, Eddie must confront his own past and face the challenges of the high-stakes pool tournaments. The movie explores themes of possessiveness, jealousy, and redemption.
When a teenage boy named Cal is abandoned by his father, he teams up with a pool hustler named Joe and embarks on a road trip to find him. Along the way, Cal learns about life, love, and the importance of family.
In 'Hard Luck Love Song,' a struggling troubadour gets entangled in a world of illegal gambling and a turbulent romance, leading him down a dark path. Set in Los Angeles, this dark romantic drama explores themes of love, betrayal, and redemption.
Working girl Margie Evans has decided there are two kinds of opportunities for a slum kid during the Depression: Those you make and those you take. Determined to help her family out of its financial bind, she is ready to do both after she shows up at the penthouse pool bash of a wealthy playboy.
Florence wants to recapture the romance in her marriage and talks a reluctant Edgar into redonning his navy uniform and serenading her.
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