The Color of Money is a drama film from 1986 that revolves around a pool hustler named Fast Eddie Felson. After years of being out of the game, Eddie decides to make a comeback by taking a young protégé, Vincent Lauria, under his wing. Together, they travel from one pool hall to another, hustling for money and respect. Along the way, Eddie must confront his own past and face the challenges of the high-stakes pool tournaments. The movie explores themes of possessiveness, jealousy, and redemption.
Francesco, nicknamed 'Toscano', is a very good pool player but he never wins when he plays for money. He meets Chiara, a saxophone player, on a late night bus by swapping his case containing the cue with her one, containing the sax. The two fall in love, but in the meantime Francesco loses a big amount of money playing versus 'Scuro', the long-time Italian champion. His only chance to pay the debt is to win the Italian Championships.
Francesco forgot billiards because now he lives with Chiara. She is a musician and she would like to become famous. Francesco is different: he found in her the reason of his life. But when she accepts a job far from home, Francesco comes back to billiards.
The veteran detective Grabovsky investigates the mysterious murder of a business beauty, Julie Clark. The main suspect becomes her colleague, the young architect Jim Corrigan.
The title of Grand Caesar in the Ancient Order of Noblest Romans of Wakefield, Indiana keeps Jim "Pop" Helton so involved and distracted that he forgets to pay the family's bills, nearly makes a shambles of a real estate deal his oldest daughter, Ethel is working on, almost wrecks her romance with Captain Tom Drayson, and gets involved in a game with a pool shark in an effort to raise the remaining $75 of the $6,750 needed (that they didn't have) by the Wakefield Lodge to host the national convention of the Noblest Romans.
Johnny Cash heads the cast in this sentimental drama, which follows a famed pool hustler (Cash) whose reunion with his long-lost son (Greg Webb) sets the stage for a series of adventures as they join forces to open a pool hall. Based on a hit song written by Cash, the film also stars Richard Roundtree, Tracy Pollan, June Carter Cash and Darren McGavin. The Cash family patriarch performs on the soundtrack.
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