Kaakha Kaakha (2003) is an intense action-packed crime drama that follows the story of a plainclothes officer who relentlessly pursues a ruthless gangster. Filled with thrilling pursuits, unexpected ambushes, and a fight against evil, the movie keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. With themes of love, tragedy, and vengeance, this gripping film explores the life of a rogue cop and the personal vendetta that drives him.
Gracie, a young Tamil woman living near Madras, has been having behavioural disorders since the day she was married. The memory of her French friend Catherine, who died in unresolved circumstances, seems to be haunting her. Catherine's grieving ex-husband, Joseph, decides to go to India to meet Gracie and possibly, during his journey, fix his mistakes - because Joseph has a lot to be forgiven for...
Nikita and her eight-year-old son, Ishan, stay in an old family villa in Pondicherry where she runs a home-stay for travelers. A mysterious man with an agenda arrives at Nikita's home-stay, giving all their lives an unexpected twist.
The story of three young people in 1951, when the former French trading post of Pondicherry is attached to India.
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