In the future, mankind's seemingly utopian society is strictly controlled by the government, and anything that threatens to disrupt the status quo is ruthlessly suppressed. When 14-year-old Jomy begins to question the way the society is run, he suddenly becomes a target for both the government and the Mu, an outcast race with extra-sensory abilities who have been fighting against the government for generations. Now, each is determined to hunt him down - one to kill him and the other to save him.
Toxic waste has contaminated the world's fresh water supply. A select few with the ability to de-contaminate the supply now control the world. Minna rules the de-contaminators from a giant warship, forcing desperate land dwellers to trade anything and everything for meager water rations. The dwellers seek a leader to battle Minna's tyrannical rule. Jennifer, daughter of the rebel leader, implores outcast Mike Erikson to lead the battle against the warship. Help also comes from an unexpected source in the from of Jennifer's brother Rocky.
Two teenagers prowl a devastated landscape, polluted by radioactive waste in search for food. On their quest of survival, they meet Socrates, a man who takes them to an island that seems a far cry away from the urban misery they struggled in. But the two youngsters ignore that the island is ruled by a beautiful but ruthless queen whose slaves are the hideous fishmen.
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