Set in 1960s Poland, Ida follows the story of a young nun named Ida who embarks on a road trip to uncover her mysterious past. She teams up with her aunt, a former resistance fighter, and together they confront the dark secrets of their family's past. Through their journey, Ida is forced to confront the harsh realities of the post-World War Two era and grapple with issues of religion, identity, and memory.
When a filmmaker investigates the story of a legendary bricklayer and socialist hero in the Polish People's Republic, he uncovers a powerful social commentary on heroism, socialism, and the struggles of the working class. Through interviews and archival footage, the filmmaker explores the controversies and courage of the past, shedding light on social activism and the fight for change.
Set in 1950s Poland, a 30-year-old woman living in the Polish People's Republic goes on a quest to find a husband and encounters unexpected obstacles. She becomes entangled in a dangerous game involving murder, poison, and secret agents of the communist regime. As she navigates the complexities of love, politics, and personal identity, she must confront the dark side of her society and make difficult choices.
A documentary about the rise of the Solidarity movement in Poland during the 1980s, its struggles against political repression, and its impact on the eventual fall of communism in Europe. The film explores the historic events that took place in Gdansk and Warsaw, focusing on the shipyard workers' union and their fight for workers' rights. It also delves into the role of Polish politicians, the communist propaganda machine, and the state crimes committed during the era. The documentary provides a comprehensive look at the labor union's influence, the support it gained from anti-communist movements, and the significant role it played in bringing about political change in the region.
Over a decade after the almost total wartime destruction, Warsaw still looks bruised and battered. Ruined houses are nevertheless inhabited which can be dangerous for the local population.
Gdanski Railway Station is a documentary that explores the history of the iconic train station in Gdansk, Poland during the 1960s. The film delves into the social and political climate of the era, highlighting themes of intolerance, hysteria, expulsion, emigration, and the impact of communism. Through interviews and archive footage, the documentary sheds light on the experiences of Polish Jews, including their struggles and experiences during the Six-Day War. The film also touches upon themes of reunion and anti-Semitism, portraying the station as a microcosm of the complexities and contradictions of Polish society at the time.
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