Hunger is a poignant biographical drama set in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. It tells the story of the 1981 Irish hunger strike led by Bobby Sands. The film explores the inhumane living conditions in the Maze Prison and the brutality faced by the prisoners. It depicts the journey of Sands as he protests against the British government and fights for the rights of the Irish Republican Army (IRA).
When a tsunami strikes a small island, it unleashes a horde of zombies that terrorize the residents. As they struggle to survive, they must navigate through various obstacles like a compound, security cameras, and a chained door.
Family of Cops follows the story of a family of police officers who must confront the challenges of crime and corruption in their city. As they navigate through tough situations, they find themselves facing dangerous criminals and uncovering shocking secrets. With their integrity and dedication to justice, the family works together to protect their community and uphold the law.
When a murder is committed involving the Russian mafia, a family of cops must work together to solve the mystery. As they delve deeper into the case, they uncover a web of corruption and betrayal.
In Family of Cops III, a police inspector's life takes a dark turn when his wife is brutally murdered. As he sets out to bring her killer to justice, he uncovers a web of corruption and betrayal that reaches deep into the heart of the police force. With the help of a loyal partner, he must navigate the dangerous underworld of organized crime to find the truth and bring peace to his shattered family.
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