Silent Action is a thrilling movie that follows the story of a police officer who gets involved in a web of political intrigue, conspiracy, and deception. Set in Italy in the 1970s, the film explores the themes of right-wing terrorism, military coup, and the deep state. As the plot unfolds, the undercover police officer finds himself caught in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, as he tries to uncover the truth and prevent a potential overthrow of the government.
In the final days of the Vietnam War, someone is killing the officers of the elite Cobra Force. Two undercover M.P.'s are assigned to the case. The trail leads from the streets of Saigon to the war zone.
Fidel Jimenez: Magkasubukan tayo: Directed by Tata Esteban. With Lito Lapid, Ana Capri, Jaime Fabregas, Tonton Gutierrez.
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