Joy of Life is a TV show set in ancient China that follows the journey of Fan Xian, a young man with a mysterious past. As he enters the royal palace and becomes entangled in political intrigue, Fan Xian discovers love, friendship, and his own hidden powers. With the backdrop of a fictional kingdom, the story explores themes of power struggle, court intrigue, and the fight against corruption.
Tianji Tower, the leading organisation of the pugilistic world is determined to overthrow the tyrannical ruler Liu Ziye. To achieve their mission, Tianji Tower replaces his sister Liu Chuyu with their own disciple and Princess-lookalike Zhu Que. Zhu Que meets the Princess’ learned companion Rong Zhi, who turns out to be a spy from Northern Wei. Liu Chuyu and Rong Zhi’s relationship eventually breaks down over misunderstandings and differing loyalties, and the latter fakes his death in order to regain Chuyu’s forgiveness. Somehow they accidentally lose their memories, and only meet five years later when Chuyu is sent to marry Northern Wei’s Prince regent, who is none other than the now amnesiac Rong Zhi.
Set during World War II, two young Turkish poets struggle to survive and fulfill their dreams of creating poetry.
Mirage is a drama set in war-torn Macedonia, following the story of a young boy who finds hope and resilience amidst the destruction. The film explores themes of family, identity, and the power of art to heal.
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