Apollo 11 (2019) is a riveting documentary that tells the story of the mission to land humans on the moon. The movie showcases the journey of the Apollo 11 crew, including Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, as they embark on this groundbreaking and historic mission. With stunning archival footage and interviews with the astronauts, the film captures the tension, triumph, and awe-inspiring moments of the first moon landing.
The Gold of Naples is an anthology film set in Naples, Italy. It features comedic and dramatic stories that explore various aspects of life in the city. The film follows different characters and their experiences, including a physician dealing with indigestion, an annoying house guest causing trouble, a grieving widower searching for his wife's missing ring, and a count and countess caught up in a card game. Through these stories, the film provides a glimpse into the everyday life, struggles, and relationships of the people of Naples.
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