Pather Panchali follows the story of a young boy named Apu, who grows up in a poverty-stricken village in rural India. The film explores themes of struggle, poverty, and the challenges faced by Apu and his family as they navigate through life. It portrays the harsh realities of their existence, including malnutrition, child abuse, and the constant search for work. Despite the hardships, the film also highlights moments of joy and resilience.
Karlsson on the Roof is a heartwarming comedy-family-fantasy movie based on the beloved children's book. The story follows a young boy named Karlsson who befriends a man with the ability to fly. Together, they embark on exciting adventures, including visits to an amusement park and rooftop escapades in Stockholm, Sweden. Karlsson's sister, their dog, and other neighborhood children join in on the fun. The movie explores themes of friendship, family relationships, and the power of imagination.
North Argentina, 1961. Only a few priests and interns remain in a secluded run-down boys' religious boarding school. Suddenly and unannounced, Father Martin arrives, whose intentions are not as clear as he claims.
Because of her last name "Kumada" (bear + rice paddy) and her appearance, Misa's high school classmates call her "Pooh" disparagingly. She obviously has no friends and can only let down her guard around her pet parrot and the goldfish in the science room at school. But, then she finds herself quickly becoming best friends with Izumi who is a cute and popular classmates. Although somewhat puzzled by Izumi's interest in her, Misa is excited about having a friend for the first time ever. But, Izumi's initial angelic demeanor gradually transforms into a demonic one.
In a future where it constantly rains, a group of children are locked in a classroom and miss the one hour of sunshine. They later cruelly joke about the only classmate who remembers experiencing the sun.
Hermila and Leandro want to escape. Hermila and Leandro want to stay.
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