Deep Murder is a hilarious satire combining the genres of comedy and horror. When a series of murders occur in an upscale mansion, a detective must unravel the whodunit mystery while dealing with a cast of colorful and eccentric characters. With a blend of slasher tropes, clever humor, and unexpected twists, Deep Murder keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
The fictional story of an ex-football star, Johnny Dunn, who moves far from the spotlight after a family tragedy to a small, desert town he owns called Jake's Corner. This dramatic comedy is a cross between Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) and "Northern Exposure" (1990). Set in the real town of Jake's Corner, Arizona, it is a rest stop for travelers making their way through the Arizona desert, but for the people who live there, it's a rest stop for life. Johnny and the eclectic ensemble that live and work in the town occupy trailers behind the Corner Store and Jake's Corner Bar. Through the years, this cast of misfits has become closer than most families - they are kin. The dynamic of the town is changed forever when Johnny's young nephew comes to live with him.
Fun for the whole family, hilarity ensues as the best athlete in pro football has to learn how to teach a motley group of kids how to win on the baseball field while they teach him how to win in life.
The terrifying story of a family that experienced the biggest demonic possession after moving into a house plagued by malicious spirits.
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