In the Name of the Italian People is a satirical comedy set in Italy during the 1970s. The story follows a judge who investigates a murder that has been disguised as suicide. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit. Along the way, he encounters various eccentric characters and navigates the complex world of Italian politics and justice system. The movie combines elements of comedy, drama, and mystery to provide a satirical commentary on the society and politics of the time.
Communist ideals have long lost their value in Yiwu, a city with 600 Christmas factories, in which Christmas as we know it is produced for the entire world. With rising wages, the workers in Christmas factories can now afford newest iPhones, but they still live in crowded dormitories. All migrants in their own country, nostalgic for some place far away, some miss their families left in hometowns, other miss their friends and lovers from the factories when they go home for holidays. Young generation is already tired of long factory hours, chemical fumes and glitter particles, and they do not care for their parents' wishes to get educated. Stuck in between Chinese tradition and the newly discovered Chinese dream, they want their own businesses, to be rich, to be independent, to be in love.
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