In a future where humanity has colonized the solar system, a conspiracy threatens to unravel the peace and stability between Earth, Mars, and the asteroid belt. As tensions rise, a disparate group of characters, including a detective, a ship captain, and a politician, must navigate the dangerous political landscape while uncovering the secrets of advanced technology and ancient ruins.
One day, Joe Maya, who lives on Mars, witnesses a battle between aliens. Those from Planet Zaboom are attacking the princess of Planet Radorio, she has escaped from the emperor of Zaboom who is scheming to conquer the universe and has crash landed on mars. Joe stumbles aboard the princesses ship, this starts a chain reaction of events that will alter their lives. Joe and his friends wield three powerful mecha beasts against the emperor of Zaboom and his forces, but the odds are stacked heavily against them. When all hope seems to be lost a mysterious ninja robot named Tobikage appears as if from nowhere to provide assitance, able to combine with the 3 mechanical beasts provides Tobikage with unmatched power, with his aide Joe fights the forces of Zaboom...
For All Mankind is a TV show set in an alternate history where the global space race never ended. It explores the lives of NASA astronauts and their families as they strive to dominate space exploration. The show delves into the personal and professional challenges they face during the space race, as well as the political and social implications of their actions.
Humanity has successfully colonized all the planets in the Solar System, with intentions to continue into new frontiers. Individuals live stable lives in these colonies, including young high school students living in 4th Tokyo on Mars. Two of these students are Iris Shirazaki and Mizuki Sera. Iris is finishing her last year of high school while studying to be a test pilot while her friend Mizuki also works as a mechanic on the aircraft. Her own brother, Kaito, oversees Mizuki and Iris as their homeroom teacher and program director.
Set in the early 24th century against the backdrop of the city of Neo Venezia on the planet Mars. No longer the barren red planet, Mars has been flooded, inhabited and is something of a tourist hub for those looking for rest, relaxation and a gondola ride – the primary mode of travel in Neo Venezia. The Undines are professional gondoliers, tour guides for the people passing through. Akari Mizunashi is an Undine in training and this is a piece of her story.
Carole, an orphan with a passion for music, meets and teams up with Tuesday, the daughter of a prominent politician, as they navigate through the music industry on Mars in search of success and independence.
Astronaut Mark Watney is left stranded on Mars after his crew mistakenly assumes he is dead. He must rely on his resourcefulness and scientific knowledge to signal Earth that he is alive and find a way to survive until rescue is possible.
A group of astronauts embarks on a mission to Mars, but they quickly discover that there is more to the planet than meets the eye. They encounter advanced ancient civilizations, deception, telekinesis, murder, and the mystery of a parallel world. As they navigate the dangers of Mars, they also face internal conflicts and the loneliness of space. Will they be able to complete their mission and return home?
In the year after 2050, a female astronaut leads a space crew on a dangerous mission to establish a colony on Mars. As she embarks on this lonely journey, she struggles with the separation from her family and the challenges of living in a harsh wilderness. The show explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the human spirit.
In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises up against society. Tasked with disposing of the revolters, a Nean named Rouge Redstar (aka Metal Rouge) and investigator Naomi Orthmann head to Mars to track them down…but first, Rouge wants some chocolate.
John Carter, a former Confederate Army captain, is transported to Mars where he finds himself in the midst of a war between different Martian tribes. With the help of a princess and a friendly Martian, he must navigate this dangerous new world and find a way back home.
When a man goes in to have virtual vacation memories of the planet Mars implanted in his mind, an unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real - or is he? In a dystopian future, Douglas Quaid, a construction worker, visits a company called Rekall to have memories of a vacation on Mars implanted in his mind. However, the procedure goes wrong, and Quaid discovers that he may already have a secret life as a rebel agent. As he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth, he meets allies, encounters enemies, and becomes entangled in a battle against a villainous ruler. Quaid must navigate through a dangerous and complex world filled with betrayal, rebellion, and a fight for freedom.
In the near future, the unmanned Pilgrim 7 space probe returns from Mars with soil samples potentially containing evidence of extraterrestrial life. The International Space Station intercepts the probe and retrieves the samples. A dormant cell from the sample grows into a multi-celled organism named Calvin. As the crew studies Calvin, it escapes its enclosure, devours a lab rat, and grows in size. Calvin attacks and kills the crew members, leading to a plan to vent the atmosphere and trap Calvin. The survivors lure Calvin into an escape pod and manually pilot it into deep space. However, North's pod is hit by debris, while Jordan is attacked by Calvin. North's pod flies into deep space, while Jordan's pod is opened by Vietnamese fishermen.
In the late 26th century, overpopulation on Earth is reaching the breaking point, and humanity must find new frontiers. The terraforming of Mars has taken centuries but is now complete. The colonization of Mars by humanity is an epoch-making event, but an unintended side effect of the terraforming process unleashes a horror no one could ever have imagined...
Ashes to Ashes follows Detective Inspector Alex Drake as she is shot in 2008 and wakes up in 1981, where she finds herself working with the same police officers and solving cases while also trying to figure out how to get back home.
In the year 2033, a group of astronauts embarks on a dangerous mission to Mars to establish the first human colony on the planet. They face numerous challenges, including the harsh Martian environment and the psychological toll of being separated from their families on Earth.
Three young astronomers find themselves in a fight for survival as they navigate a deadly Martian invasion.
Earth is invaded by Martians with unbeatable weapons and a cruel sense of humor. The President of the United States, James Dale (Jack Nicholson), is alerted when a number of spacecraft have been reported launched from the planet Mars, and are on a course to Earth...
Jeff Cooper has to reinvent himself after being fired from his position in the space start-up Mars.Iy. With no chance to return to Earth, he has to find again meaning in a dangerous, alien, but familiar corporate landscape.
In the near future, a group of astronauts become the first humans to travel to Mars. As they set up a colony on the planet, they face challenges such as drug addiction and the discovery of an alien civilization.