The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh is a comedy movie set in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The movie follows a struggling basketball team that turns to astrology for guidance and success. With the help of an astrologer, the team's fate starts to change, leading them to the playoffs. The movie also explores themes of African-American culture, Native American spirituality, and disco music.
The title pretty much says it: fish and other marine life dance and frolic to various tunes. An octopus keeps spoiling the fun in various ways.
In a small town carnival, a group of friends stumble upon an old fortune teller machine. Intrigued, they decide to try it out. To their surprise, the animatronic fortune teller comes to life and starts predicting their future based on their individual zodiac signs. As they continue to listen, they realize that the predictions are becoming eerily accurate. The friends are now torn between their curiosity and the fear of what the future may hold.
Twelve full moons. Twelve women. Twelve landscapes.
In this action-packed movie set in Wales, a vampire hunter with supernatural powers must use his martial arts skills to take on a group of deadly vampires. With the help of his twin brother and a skilled archer, he sets out on a mission to rid the world of evil and restore justice. Along the way, they encounter ancient martial arts techniques, ninja warriors, and a battle between good and evil. Will they be able to defeat the vampires and save humanity?
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