Teletubbies is a British children's television series created by Ragdoll Productions that focuses on four colorful humanoid creatures with televisions on their stomachs. The characters live in Teletubbyland, a futuristic and imaginative place located within a grassy landscape that resembles a dome. The show features a variety of segments and activities intended to entertain and educate young viewers.
A college student returns to his childhood home after the death of his sister, only to discover dark secrets and a menacing shadow that may be linked to his family's past. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the house, he uncovers repressed memories and faces his own inner demons. With the help of a psychiatrist, he must confront his fears and unravel the truth before it's too late.
A charismatic English professor in a troubled marriage falls for his student's half-sister while teaching in England. As he navigates his complicated relationships, he finds himself questioning his views on love and commitment.
A young American Jewish man goes on a journey to Ukraine to find the woman who saved his grandfather during World War II. Along the way, he discovers his family's history and learns about love, loss, and the power of storytelling.
Termination Point follows a group of infiltrators who are sent back in time to prevent a catastrophic event. As they navigate through dangerous obstacles and face unexpected challenges, they must race against time to save the future.
Simpatico is a comedy-crime-drama movie that revolves around a blackmail scam. It takes place in Kentucky and involves incriminating photographs, horse racing, and a grocery store. The story follows a group of characters who become entangled in a complex web of deceit and betrayal.
Seduced by a boy's affluent, seemingly idyllic family, a young girl goes to extremes to gain acceptance.
Crave is a gripping drama-thriller that follows an anti-hero photographer who becomes entangled in a web of violence and paranoia after disposing of a dead body. As he struggles to keep his dark secret hidden, he finds himself descending into a world of chaos and danger.
Pinwheel is a children's television show that aired on the Nickelodeon cable network from 1977 to 1989. The show was the original program featured on the Nickelodeon network.
In this music video parody, 'Weird Al' Yankovic portrays an overweight man who sings about his love for food and humorously criticizes the fat-shaming culture. It showcases his signature comedy and musical style with catchy lyrics and energetic dance moves.
As a grieving family gathers home on the eve of a dear neighbor’s funeral, a mother tries to restrain her existential rage after her husband makes a crushing confession of infidelity.
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