Tragedy Girls follows two best friends, Sadie and McKayla, who run a true crime blog. Inspired by a local serial killer, they decide to become killers themselves in order to gain notoriety and increase their social media following. As they continue their murderous spree, they form a twisted partnership and navigate the challenges of juggling their secret lives with their high school obligations. However, when they start to gain attention from the police and the media, they must outsmart the authorities and protect their bond.
When detective Paul Ford discovers his partner, Frank, is abusing his wife Eve, Paul steps in to rescue her, but a vengeful Frank frames him for a murder. With Paul on the run from his fellow officers and Eve on the run from her husband, the two find themselves escaping into a heated love affair.
A woman becomes fixated on her half-sister and uses a restraining order violation to get closer to her. However, her obsession takes a dark turn when her sister goes missing and she becomes a suspect in the investigation. As she delves into the mystery, she uncovers twisted secrets and hidden motivations that threaten to reveal the truth.
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