Under the Hood is a mockumentary-style film that explores the life and career of a retired superhero. Set in the year 1985, the film delves into the vigilante's past, including his crime-fighting adventures, interviews with his old friends, and his struggle with maintaining his superhero persona. The film provides an intimate look at the life of a superhero and the impact it has on both the individual and society.
In this Oscar-winning short film, a Marine, Joe Fingers, on a South Sea island during World War II, tells tales of the influence he's had on various personalities. In the words of one of his buddies, he's either the biggest liar in the world or the most important man in show business.
Snafu learns hard way the consequences of not protecting himself from malaria infection.
The Pink Panther buys a land lot atop a narrow mesa, and the house he builds blocks a nearby observatory's view of the Moon. At first, the short, pointy-nosed astronomer at the observatory zooms his huge telescope into the panther's window and believes the newspaper photo of a sexy woman being looked upon by the panther is an actual observation of life on the Moon, and he telephones the fantastic finding to his employers. The Pink Panther builds a brick wall to block the telescope's view, and the hostilities begin.
A shy woman works as a secretary by day but at night she's a nude model.
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