In a future where Earth has colonized other planets, a pilot named Lt. Kane Sommerville must race against time to save his young daughter, Indi, who has been taken by a dangerous creature on a newly terraformed planet. With the help of a convict named Sy, Kane embarks on a perilous journey, facing supernatural powers, dangerous monsters, and powerful enemies along the way.
Lt. Robin Crusoe, a navy pilot, gets stranded on a deserted island after an airplane crash. He finds companionship in a chimpanzee. Together, they face various challenges and try to survive using their wit and resourcefulness. Will they ever be able to get off the island and return home?
In the near future, an experienced astronaut, Lilian, and her A.I. explore a newly discovered planet. After weeks of research, a malfunction during the return launch forces Lilian to choose between survival and completing the mission.
Thud Pilots is a documentary film that takes a close look at the experiences of US military pilots during the Vietnam War. It explores the challenges they faced, including dislocated shoulders, fractured vertebrae, and even instances of torture. The film also sheds light on the emotional toll of war, touching on themes of bravery, camaraderie, and the devastating impacts of conflict.
This film explosives the inherently dangerous occupation of astronauts and cosmonauts, who in the face of an unforgiving hostile environment, and relentless life threatening pressures, endured almost certain death in the pursuit to conquer the unknown.
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