In 17th-century France, Molière, a struggling playwright, forms a comedy troupe and faces censorship and competition from his mother and daughter. As he gains success, he becomes entangled in the French court and deals with personal hardships, including misery, starvation, and tuberculosis.
Canton of Neuchâtel, 1917 to 1933. A young watchmaker falls head over heels with a mysterious young woman. Jean and Anna get married, love each other madly and go through all life experiences together, supported by their happiness and friends at their side. Jean wants to invent a new waterproof watch, and the future looks promising. But Anna suddenly seems to suffer from a strange sickness which gets worse each day. Will Jean's love for her be enough to save her?
A man walks every night along the jetty. There he meets a young woman who is waiting for the man of her life. Over four nights, they discuss life and he gradually falls in love with her.
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