Horimiya is a heartwarming story about the hidden lives of high school students. Hori, the most popular girl in school, seems perfect on the surface, but at home, she takes on the role of a responsible older sister and takes care of her younger brother. Miyamura, on the other hand, is a quiet and nerdy guy who likes to keep to himself. However, he has a secret that he hides from everyone. When Hori and Miyamura accidentally discover each other's hidden sides, they form an unexpected bond and develop a deep connection. As they navigate through the challenges of high school life, they grow closer and learn valuable lessons about friendship, love, and acceptance.
In 'Perfect Skin', a Polish tattoo artist in London finds herself entangled in a horrifying murder investigation as secrets from her past resurface. With sadism, masochism, and body mutilation at its core, the movie explores the dark and disturbing world of tattoos and the lengths people will go to for perfection. As the body count rises and the detective inspector gets closer to the truth, the tattoo artist becomes a target herself, fighting for her life and uncovering shocking secrets along the way.
A look into the world of body piercing and suspension and the people who do it.
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