In this live-action adaptation of the classic fairy tale, Belle, a bright and independent young woman, is taken prisoner by a beast in his castle. Despite her initial fears, she befriends the castle's enchanted staff and learns to look beyond the beast's exterior to recognize the kind heart within. As the two grow closer, an unexpected romance blooms, challenging societal norms and teaching the importance of inner beauty.
Lillian, a high school senior from South Carolina, embarks on a picaresque journey through the cities and woods of the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. Her first glimpse of the wider world comes on a class trip to Washington, D.C.
Heidi, a young girl from the city, is sent to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps. She befriends a goat herder and together they explore the picturesque landscape, forming a deep bond. However, when Heidi's aunt tries to take her away, she must fight to stay with her newfound family.
Trini spends her days fantasizing about the private lives of her neighbors, whom she observes through the window. Unknowingly, she triggers an irremediable change in the course of their lives.
Second attempt to create a feature film out of the 200,000-plus feet of film which Soviet film-maker Sergei Eisenstein shot during 1931-32 in Mexico for American socialist author Upton Sinclair, his wife and a small company of investors. The projected film, to be called "Que Viva Mexico", was never completed due to exhaustion of funds and Stalin's demand that Eisenstein return to the USSR (he had been absent since 1929). The first attempt at editing the footage, in the USA, resulted in "Thunder Over Mexico", released in 1934. In 1940, Marie Seton, from the UK, acquired some of the footage from the Sinclairs in an attempt to make a better cutting according to Eisenstein's skeletal outline for the proposed film. This film has apparently been lost.
Cherry Tobacco is a romantic drama that tells the story of a man-teenage girl relationship and their first love. The film explores the complexities of falling in love, despite the significant age gap between the characters. The beautiful scenery, including the Estonian countryside and a swamp, adds to the charm of the film. It is a coming-of-age tale that takes place during a camping trip, showcasing the innocence and transformative power of teenage love.
It follows Mia and Nino. Mia is trying to find an escape from her unfulfilling life. Nino is a sculptor in his mid-thirties who comes to Mia's aid. Their relationship becomes complicated by the arrival of Nino's brother Phil.
Full of determination and uncertainty, Nutmeg pursues her daydream to escape a dull reality with a Walkman and her case of few sentimental belongings.
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