Mile High is a TV show that follows the lives of flight crew members working in a budget airline. The series explores their relationships, friendships, and the ups and downs of their personal and professional lives. It delves into topics like alcoholism, the mile-high club, sexual promiscuity, sexism, and practical jokes.
Club Reps was a factual entertainment programme made for ITV by STV Productions. It ran from 2001 to 2004. The programme has been repeated on Sky Real Lives and Pick TV.
A young housewife gets involved in the "swinging" scene and discovers that it isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Crime - Ray and Annette are a couple who scam, lie and seduce to get wealth from unsuspecting wealthy people. Annette also has a penchant for bisexual encounters and serial murder.
A building superintendent and his wife are held hostage in their apartment by a sadistic would-be bank robber and his spaced-out accomplices.
Documentary looking at the experiences young adults have in the hedonistic resort of Ibiza.
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