Mothlight is a groundbreaking experimental short film created by Stan Brakhage using only natural materials like moth wings and plant matter. The film explores themes of nature, art, and the beauty in the mundane through its unique camera-less animation technique. Mothlight is a visually stunning and thought-provoking piece of art.
Starrcade '91: Battlebowl: The Lethal Lottery was the ninth annual Starrcade professional wrestling pay-per-view event. It was the fourth Starrcade event produced by WCW, and it took place on December 29, 1991 from the Norfolk Scope in Norfolk, Virginia. The event solely featured the Battlebowl battle royal and its qualifying matches. Forty wrestlers were chosen at random to form ten pairs of tag teams. Each pair competed in a match, and the winning team advanced to Battlebowl. This was the first Starrcade event to not feature Ric Flair.
Two members of a former group of friends find themselves after many years by chance through the streets of Milan; after a moment, memories of the past resurface.
Bob Clemens is a cameraman for newsreels. Assigned to shoot the Swiss ice skater Karen Vadja, he arrives too late, so decides to film a woman skating on a different New York rink and pass her off as Karen. The scheme backfires when promoter Larry Herman takes a look at Bob's film and decides to make the skater a star. Unfortunately, it's actually amateur (and illegal immigrant) Marie Bergin in the newsreel footage, not the great figure skater from Switzerland. Chaos ensues as Bob tries to straighten everybody out.
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