The Big Bang Theory revolves around the lives of four socially awkward friends, Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard, who are brilliant scientists. They navigate through their personal lives and relationships while often struggling with everyday social situations. The show primarily focuses on their interactions with their neighbor, Penny, an aspiring actress who is not part of their geeky world. The series showcases their geek culture, love for comic books, sci-fi, video games, and their enduring friendship.
In Oppenheimer, the film explores the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, an American scientist who played a pivotal role in developing the atomic bomb. The plot follows Oppenheimer's journey from his time as a young doctoral student to his appointment as the director of the Manhattan Project during World War II. The film delves into Oppenheimer's personal and political struggles, his encounters with influential scientists, and the moral dilemma he faced. Oppenheimer's story is told against the backdrop of the historical events and political climate of the time, highlighting the consequences of his groundbreaking work and the initiation of the nuclear arms race.
In the year 2030, a group of students and scientists investigate strange occurrences and face deadly creatures known as Kaiju. With the help of advanced technology and giant robots, they must defend their world from a global threat.
Kyle XY follows the story of a teenage boy who wakes up in the middle of the forest with no memory of who he is or any knowledge of the outside world. He quickly realizes that he possesses extraordinary abilities and attempts to navigate through the challenges of his new life while uncovering the truth about his origins. Along the way, he becomes entangled in various mysteries and forms close relationships with those around him.
The youngest son of an alcoholic former boxer returns home, where he's trained by his father for competition in a mixed martial arts tournament - a path that puts the fighter on a collision course with his estranged, older brother. U.S. Marine Tommy Riordan visiting his father, Paddy Conlon, a recovering alcoholic who has become a born-again Christian. Tommy enters a gym and beats a professional fighter named Pete Grimes unconscious. He learns about a winner-takes-all MMA tournament called Sparta and asks his father to train him. Meanwhile, Tommy's older brother Brendan, a high school physics teacher, seeks the training of an old friend and begins competing in smaller venue fights. Brendan and Tommy both enter the Sparta tournament, but their bitter relationship threatens their chances of winning. As the tournament unfolds, Tommy's military desertion is revealed, causing the military police to want to take him into custody. Despite their differences, Brendan and Tommy make it to the final fight where Brendan forces Tommy to tap out with a rear naked choke. The brothers reconcile and leave the ring together.
How the Universe Works is a captivating documentary TV show that delves into the wonders and complexities of the universe, uncovering the secrets of galaxies, black holes, planets, and more. Through expert analysis and stunning visuals, this series takes viewers on an awe-inspiring journey through space and time.
Through the Wormhole is a captivating documentary TV show that delves into the fascinating world of astrophysics, exploring topics like wormholes, the nature of the universe, and the laws of gravity. Hosted by renowned physicist Morgan Freeman, the series takes viewers on an enlightening journey through the cosmos, using cutting-edge technology and scientific research to provide answers to some of the biggest questions about our existence.
Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell is an animated educational series that delves into a wide range of topics including biology, physics, technology, and social science. The show presents complex concepts in a simplified and visually appealing manner, making it accessible to a wide audience. With its engaging animations and thought-provoking narratives, Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell offers viewers a unique and captivating way to learn about the world around them.
Felix Winterberg is the great-great-grandson of the famous Albert Einstein and himself a recognized physics genius. Because of a deadly hereditary disease, the brilliant researcher only has a few years left - which he wants to make as labor-intensive as possible thanks to various illegal stimulants.
Discover the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it holds. Learn about cosmology, astronomy, space travel, and more in this educational and fascinating series.
StarTalk is a talk-show where renowned astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson explores the wonders of the universe, delving into topics ranging from physics to cosmology. With a focus on non-fiction and space exploration, StarTalk provides fascinating insights into the mysteries of our cosmos.
After a child's curse transforms her into her 13-year-old self, a ruthless businesswoman must learn valuable life lessons as she navigates her way through middle school.
Larry Gopnik, a Midwestern physics teacher, faces a series of unexpected events that result in the unraveling of his life. Despite his search for meaning and answers amidst the chaos, he finds himself sinking deeper into turmoil.
Sasaki is a middle-aged office worker living in Japan. Feeling drained by the vapid corporate world, he heads to the pet shop in search of a new companion. There he finds an adorable bird named Peeps and takes him home. But Sasaki quickly learns that Peeps isn’t your average bird…he’s a powerful mage from another world! Together, they embark on a magical adventure filled with swords and sorcery.
Sophie, a grieving widow and single mother, finds herself struggling to cope with her loss while juggling her job and parenting. However, everything changes when a former physicist unveils a secret time-bending machine. Sophie must confront an unimaginable decision that will alter her life forever.
Waking Life follows a man as he experiences a series of philosophical conversations and encounters in a dream-like world. He explores concepts of existence, self-sacrifice, and the nature of dreams, all while questioning the boundaries between reality and fantasy.
Radioactive is a biographical drama film that tells the story of Marie Curie, a Polish physicist and chemist who made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of radioactivity. The film explores her struggles as a female scientist in a male-dominated field, her romantic and professional partnership with her husband Pierre Curie, and the impact of her discoveries on the world, including the development of the atomic bomb and advancements in cancer treatment. The film also delves into Curie's personal life, highlighting her strength, perseverance, and the sacrifices she made for her work.
In the film Ice Princess, a teenage girl named Casey discovers her hidden talent for figure skating and becomes determined to pursue her dream of becoming an Olympic skater. Despite facing challenges, including a disapproving mother and a lack of financial resources, Casey works hard and receives a scholarship to a prestigious skating academy. Along the way, she forms new friendships, faces rivalries, and experiences the ups and downs of teenage life. With the help of her coach and the support of her friends and family, Casey learns valuable life lessons about dedication, perseverance, and staying true to oneself.
Join Stephen Hawking as he takes you on a journey through the universe, exploring topics like cosmology, time travel, the big bang, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Discover the wonders of outer space and the secrets it holds.
Paranormal is a TV show that delves into the terrifying phenomena of a haunted house. Driven by his past experiences and personal demons, Refaat Ismail, a hematologist in his 40s, finds himself confronted by a series of supernatural and paranormal events. Alongside his colleague Maggie, Refaat unravels the mysteries that lie within the house and tries to find logical explanations for the unexplainable. As the truth begins to unfold, Refaat's beliefs and understanding of the world are challenged.