In a captivating adaptation of the renowned Chinese fantasy novel, 'Fengshenyanyi,' Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms depicts the epic and enduring battles that unfolded over three thousand years ago. This magnificent eastern high fantasy showcases the conflicts between humans, immortals, and monsters in a mythical war of unimaginable proportions.
In Demon and the Mummy, a journalist in Chicago investigates a series of serial murders connected to ancient Aztec rituals. Along the way, she uncovers the secret to physical immortality and encounters a female demon. The movie combines elements of comedy and horror as the journalist tries to stop the killings and survive the encounter with the demon.
Immortal? A Horizon Guide to Ageing is a documentary that delves into the fascinating world of immortality and the process of ageing. Through interviews with experts in various fields, the film explores the scientific advancements that are pushing the boundaries of what it means to age.
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