America's Next Top Model is a reality television show that follows a group of aspiring models as they compete in various challenges, photo shoots, and runway shows. The contestants receive guidance from industry professionals and face eliminations each week until a winner is crowned. The show explores the world of high fashion and the pressure and challenges that come with it.
Kelly-Anne, a model, becomes consumed by the high-profile murder trial of serial killer Ludovic Chevalier. As reality and her morbid fantasies intertwine, she embarks on a disturbing journey to find a missing video of a murdered teenager who bears a striking resemblance to her.
An eye-opening investigation into the making of Hollywood sex scenes, shedding light on the real-life experiences behind classic scenes of cinema and tracing the legacy of exploitation of women in the entertainment industry.
In 'If the Shoe Fits,' a fashion designer in Paris, France, finds a magical shoe that transforms her life. With the help of her best friend and muse, she navigates the backstage of the fashion industry, facing egotistical fashion photographers, big dreams, and a Cinderella-style love story. This movie is a retelling of a fairy tale and explores themes of ambition, friendship, and following your dreams.
Naomi Campbell and two other supermodel mentors will choose four hopeful models to mentor and guide as members of their exclusive team. Over eight weeks the three teams will have to compete in a series of real life fashion industry challenges. In the end only one supermodel mentor will triumph and see one of their handpicked girls become The Face.
No clothes. No apologies. This film marks artist Spencer Tunick's third 'Naked' documentary which feature photo shoots that create art from the naked bodies of men and women. In this shoot, 85 HIV-positive men and women gather in a downtown Manhattan bar where they bare it all for Tunick's camera, creating an unsentimental look at life with AIDS in America today.
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