Everlasting Moments is a drama film based on a true story set in the early 1900s in Malmö, Sweden. It follows Maria, a working-class woman who discovers her passion for photography and finds solace in capturing moments of beauty amidst her challenging life. She navigates through an abusive husband, an alcoholic father, and the hardships of an impoverished family. Through her lens, Maria finds strength, escapes her reality, and discovers her own voice as a female artist. The film explores themes of unrequited love, family relationships, and the role of art as an empowering tool.
The Future is a surreal drama film about a man named Jason, who decides to quit his job and pursue his dreams. However, he soon discovers that he has the ability to freeze time. As he explores his newfound power, he begins to question his own existence and the choices he has made.
Amira, a Palestinian woman, faces various struggles including a confinement to a patriarchal society, her father's imprisonment, and the suspicion of infidelity. Her journey intensifies when she learns about her own identity and attempts to establish her place in a troubled world.
Zus & Zo follows the story of a transgender individual who seeks revenge while dealing with an extramarital affair and the complexities of sibling relationships. It is a heartwarming tale of friendship, love, and self-discovery, set against the backdrop of beautiful Portugal.
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