Daytime Shooting Star is a heartwarming movie that tells the story of a high school girl, Suzume, who moves from the countryside to Tokyo. There, she finds herself falling in love with her handsome teacher, Shishio. As Suzume navigates the complexities of love, friendship, and adolescence, she discovers the importance of following her heart and embracing the uncertainties of life. With captivating performances and beautiful cinematography, Daytime Shooting Star is a must-watch for fans of romantic films.
Shardul Thakur and Suman Singh agree to a marriage of convenience to escape family pressure. However, their plan backfires when Suman's girlfriend joins them, causing chaos in their lives.
Kie Hirano is an ordinary OL who often daydreams. Mitsumasa Kodai at the same company as Kie Hirano, but he is an elite salaryman. He is the eldest son in the Kodai family and he is also telepathic. Mitsumasa Kodai got his special ability to read other people's mind from his British grandmother. Mitsumasa becomes attracted to Kie's warm heart and her dreamy temperament. They begin to date and enjoy their days together, but Mitsumasa Kodai's mother calls.
In a near future where allergies have become an epidemic, music producer Haru half-heartedly dates post office clerk and mail thief Michi. He searches for violent ways to reactivate his life, she dreams of escaping abroad; both volunteer to test a new drug which may provide a cure.
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