In a post-apocalyptic future, a man with a haunted past is forced to relive his childhood memories through time travel experiments. Through a series of still-frame images, he encounters a woman who becomes the key to his survival and love. As the experiments lead to a shocking revelation about the future of humanity, the man must confront his own mortality and the consequences of his actions.
A love story between a Mexican teenager and an American woman who meet one summer in Mexico.
An art student gets interrogated upon the tragedy that recently occurred within his friend group as to find out the truth behind it all.
Depicting the intimacies of life, love, and longing, the director's own father recites Pablo Neruda's "Me Gustas Cuando Callas" over an array of still photography.
A near-dead town, an encroaching overgrowth, a mysterious tower, a camera, a voice. Across 299 photographs a man who may be the filmmaker, and yet might not be real, relays a story that may not have happened, about a place that almost definitely exists.
A doctor retells a story of his first unauthorized memory experiment on a human being.
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