War Photographer is a documentary that follows the life and work of photojournalist James Nachtwey, focusing on his experiences in conflict zones such as Palestine, the Balkan War, and Indonesia. The film explores the dangers and moral dilemmas faced by war photographers as they capture images of death, devastation, and suffering. It also delves into the personal toll taken on Nachtwey and his relationships.
Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids is a documentary that explores the lives of children who are born into the brothels of Calcutta. It follows their struggles and aspirations as they navigate the harsh realities of their surroundings, offering a glimpse into the vibrant and resilient spirit of these young individuals.
Based on the novel of the same name by Seichō Matsumoto.
The secrets of a lost archive of portrait photos showing the changing face of Bradford in the 20th century. Presenter Shanaz Gulzar tracks down people in the portraits.
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